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DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis

Does it help?

When we produce a family tree we do so using historical records. We will use birth records and sometimes birth certificates as well as other records to complete your family tree.

Sometimes though the answers we seek are not answered by paper records. Sometimes they are missing altogether, sometimes fathers names are not stated on documents, sometimes people may not know their own birth names and sometimes our ancestors lied!

DNA does not lie. The reason our criminal justice system relies on it so much is because DNA is absolutely irrefutable proof of who we are.

It is fairly easy to have a DNA test. They can be purchased for between £60 & £100. You then supply a sample of your saliva and about 8 weeks later you will get back your results.

What you will recieve back is an analysis of your countries of origin going back many, many generations and you will also get back the names of people who share similar DNA profiles who have also submitted their DNA for analysis.

Sometimes you may already know some of these names off the list but sometimes a link is not obvious.

This is where Find My Family can help you in that we will help you understand your DNA profile and we can also work for you to find the missing links in your chain between people who appear as relatives on your DNA profile.

Simply contact us below if you are interested in discussing this further with us.


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